Saturday, November 21, 2009

"I'm Shrinking"

One day this week, one of my little girls said to me, "I'm turning green." Then later, she said, "I'm shrinking!" I didn't really respond to her comment about turning green, but I told her that I'm sure she wasn't shrinking and that usually only older people shrink. But, I thought it was funny that I had a "turning green, shrinking" first grader! :-) I thought it was funny on what came "Out of the Mouth of Babes."

Thursday, November 12, 2009

"I Have a Heart in My Eye. It is Beeping."

One day earlier this week one of my little girl's eyes, I guess, was twitching. She was trying to explain it to me. She said, "I have a heart in my eye. It is beeping." How cute! She was explaining the twitching and that is the best she could explain it. For some reason, first graders often say "beeping" instead of "beating" when referring to the beating of their heart. But, I thought it was such a neat and cute explanation on what came "Out of the Mouth of Babes."

"You Look Like a Little Girl"

Today for school, I wore my hair up with four little hair clips ("claws"). Sometime during the middle of the school day, one of my little girls said that I was wearing hair clips. I told her yes. She then said, "You look like a girl." I said, "Yes, that's because I am a girl!" She said, "You look like a little girl." So, I guess I looked like a little girl today, since I had my hair pulled back in hair clips. I thought it was cute (and kind of flattering!) on what came "Out of the Mouth of Babes."

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"They Help Deliver Presents at Christmas"

In class we've been going over Children of the World. I focus on a country a day. Today was Italy! I was done teaching and then I asked questions about what I taught. I asked, "What is the Italian Alps?" Of course, they are Italian mountains. Well, one of my cute little boys said, "They help deliver presents at Christmas." He thought I said elves rather than alps. How cute is that!! I had to laugh. It was so precious on what came "Out of the Mouth of Babes."