Saturday, September 26, 2009

"Because I'm Getting Saved"

Last night I had the opportunity and privilege to help with a teen activity lock in for the youth department at my church. It was great fun! We did several fun activities- including driving really fast cars at G-Force and playing laser tag. Of course, we stayed up ALL night! However, the highlight of my evening/early morning was that I had the opportunity and privilege to lead a 7th grade girl to the Lord. It was amazing! I am always in awe when I get the opportunity to talk to a child about the Lord. I had been desiring and praying about being able to talk to teenager. So, this was indeed, an answer to prayer!
As I was talking to her, she had a smile on her face about the whole time. That was sweet to see. However, the sweetest thing I got to experience while I was talking to her and dealing with this child was when I saw a tear come from her eye. I asked her while she was crying, and she said, "Because I'm getting saved!" How sweet is that! I about cried myself. Her one tear became several and the tears started flowing. It was such a sweet and tender moment. I am so thankful and humbled that I was able to be a part of this awesome opportunity. I wanted to share with you what God had done and what came "Out of the Mouth of Babes." It was a true blessing!

A Blessing in Song

I love music! I'm not the best singer, by any means. I'll admit that right off, but I love to listen to music. So, at school, I play a lot of music cds in class. One of my favorite times to put on my music is while my children are writing in their writing books. Recently, I've been playing a cd I bought a few weeks ago at a ladies retreat. The cd has many songs on it about God being so good and how He helps us through our trials. On a personal note, the cd has been a huge blessing to me in my personal life, as I have been dealing with different situations in my life lately.
Back to my kids, one day during writing, I had my cd on. A song called, "He'll Do It Again" was playing. The song talks about how God will help us with our problems even though "we may not know how, we may not know when, but He'll do it again" like He has done in the past. The song is one of my favorites! I was walking around checking my kids work, and I looked up at one of my kids. When I looked at him, he was mouthing the words to this song. It was a blessing to see him learn this song. What a great lesson to learn, especially at a young age on how God will help us with our problems! I was touched by this sight, and I wanted to share with you on what came "Out of the Mouth of Babes."

Saturday, September 19, 2009

"Keep It All Day If You Want To"

Yesterday at school we celebrated one of my little ones' birthday. His mom sent cupcakes and goody bags in for the kids. On the cupcakes were these little plastic rings (as decoration). Of course, the children put the rings on after they licked the icing off. I told them that was fine, but they had to make sure that they did not play with them during arithmetic class (which is after lunch time), or Miss Pregony would have to take the ring away. Well, during class, one of my boys was playing with his ring. I had to take it away; I had told them I would, so I had to. When I went to go take it away, at first he didn't want me to and moved the ring away from me. So, Miss Pregony gave him a nice "teacher look" then he gave it to me and said, " Keep it all day if you want to." I thought it was funny that he gave me permission to keep his ring all day. I did tell him that I would keep it all day, and I did. I just laughed at what came "Out of the Mouth of Babes."

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"I'm More Medium Sized..."

Today in arithmetic class, I called on a student to be my helper. I guess when I called him up I must have called him up to be a "little teacher." When he got up to the front to be "teacher," he said "Will you please call me medium sized? I'm more medium sized than little." How funny is that! I thought that was cute on what came "Out of the Mouth of Babes."

Sunday, September 13, 2009

"Jesus Loves the Little Children"

Today, I had the opportunity to teach toddler jr. church. Before the lesson, we were singing some songs. One song I was going to have them sing was "Jesus Loves the Little Children." Before we sang that song, I asked the children (remember these kids are mostly 3 years old), "Who does Jesus love?" I was hoping for an answer like everybody or us, since we were going to sing "Jesus Loves the Little Children." Well, I called on a little boy who wanted to answer. He said, "Me!" I said, "Does He love anyone else?" He said, "No." I asked him again if God loved anyone else or just him. He said only him. How cute!
I then asked him if God loved me, Miss Pregony. He said, "No." Then this other little boy sitting next to me on my left said, "I love you." Then the boy sitting next to me on my right said, "I love you." Then this little girl (who I call my "mini me" because she looks just like me when I was her age!) said, "I love you." So, according to this boy, God does not love me but I have three little ones that do. I thought it was cute on what came "Out of the Mouth of Babes" today. I do have to close with saying, Praise the Lord that He does love me and not just me, but "Jesus Loves the Little Children" and not just children but adults, too. God is SO good!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"I Want a Million Daughters!"

School is back in session!!! That means that the frequency of my blogging may increase. YEAH!! I am only two days into the new school year with my new class; however, I am happy to report that I do believe that this class will give me many "Out of the Mouth of Babes" stories to share. They are sweet and pretty fun with good personality.
Today, we were in arithmetic class. I gave them a story problem. After the story problem, I called up children to the front of the room to "act" out the problem, so they could "see" it. The problem was "A dad and mom went to the zoo with their three children. How many people went to the zoo?" To "act" out the problem, I called up a "dad", a "mom", two "sons" and a "daughter." After the problem was over, I said to the "mom" that she had more "sons" then "daughters." She said, "I want a million daughters!" Oh my, I thought. She wants a million daughters. How cute is that! I think she'll change her mind. :-) What do you think? But, I thought that was cute on what came "Out of the Mouth of Babes."