Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Blessing in Song

I love music! I'm not the best singer, by any means. I'll admit that right off, but I love to listen to music. So, at school, I play a lot of music cds in class. One of my favorite times to put on my music is while my children are writing in their writing books. Recently, I've been playing a cd I bought a few weeks ago at a ladies retreat. The cd has many songs on it about God being so good and how He helps us through our trials. On a personal note, the cd has been a huge blessing to me in my personal life, as I have been dealing with different situations in my life lately.
Back to my kids, one day during writing, I had my cd on. A song called, "He'll Do It Again" was playing. The song talks about how God will help us with our problems even though "we may not know how, we may not know when, but He'll do it again" like He has done in the past. The song is one of my favorites! I was walking around checking my kids work, and I looked up at one of my kids. When I looked at him, he was mouthing the words to this song. It was a blessing to see him learn this song. What a great lesson to learn, especially at a young age on how God will help us with our problems! I was touched by this sight, and I wanted to share with you on what came "Out of the Mouth of Babes."

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