Sunday, April 18, 2010

"I Pods...."

I help teach in K-4 Sunday school in the mornings for church. We are finishing the Easter story. Today, the teacher asked the children to say some things that will be in Heaven. One girl said, "A scooter." Another said, "Streets of gold." She was right; there will be streets of gold. The funniest one, I think, is when a girl told us something that she thought was in Heaven. She said, "I Pods, so I can listen to music." Keep in mind these are four and five year olds. I laughed out loud when I heard that. Then she said, "'I'm going to listen to my I Pod when (student's name) rides her scooter." Precious and FUNNY!! Well, it made me laugh, so I wanted to share with you on what came "Out of the Mouth of Babes."

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