Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"I Want a Million Daughters!"

School is back in session!!! That means that the frequency of my blogging may increase. YEAH!! I am only two days into the new school year with my new class; however, I am happy to report that I do believe that this class will give me many "Out of the Mouth of Babes" stories to share. They are sweet and pretty fun with good personality.
Today, we were in arithmetic class. I gave them a story problem. After the story problem, I called up children to the front of the room to "act" out the problem, so they could "see" it. The problem was "A dad and mom went to the zoo with their three children. How many people went to the zoo?" To "act" out the problem, I called up a "dad", a "mom", two "sons" and a "daughter." After the problem was over, I said to the "mom" that she had more "sons" then "daughters." She said, "I want a million daughters!" Oh my, I thought. She wants a million daughters. How cute is that! I think she'll change her mind. :-) What do you think? But, I thought that was cute on what came "Out of the Mouth of Babes."

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