Saturday, September 26, 2009

"Because I'm Getting Saved"

Last night I had the opportunity and privilege to help with a teen activity lock in for the youth department at my church. It was great fun! We did several fun activities- including driving really fast cars at G-Force and playing laser tag. Of course, we stayed up ALL night! However, the highlight of my evening/early morning was that I had the opportunity and privilege to lead a 7th grade girl to the Lord. It was amazing! I am always in awe when I get the opportunity to talk to a child about the Lord. I had been desiring and praying about being able to talk to teenager. So, this was indeed, an answer to prayer!
As I was talking to her, she had a smile on her face about the whole time. That was sweet to see. However, the sweetest thing I got to experience while I was talking to her and dealing with this child was when I saw a tear come from her eye. I asked her while she was crying, and she said, "Because I'm getting saved!" How sweet is that! I about cried myself. Her one tear became several and the tears started flowing. It was such a sweet and tender moment. I am so thankful and humbled that I was able to be a part of this awesome opportunity. I wanted to share with you what God had done and what came "Out of the Mouth of Babes." It was a true blessing!

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