Saturday, May 16, 2009

"Whisper a Prayer"

This week at school one of my students was sick for most of the week. We missed her a lot! We prayed for her everyday, several times throughout the day. The children were really missing her. This group of children that I have this year is a "tight" group. I always call each class I teach a "family." But, this class really is that close. For the most part, they all get along that well with each other. They are SO fun!
Well, on Friday morning during Bible time, it was our prayer time. Each day, three different children come up and give prayer requests. Then, I assign the requests, and they pray for each other's request and any request we may have as a class to share. This whole week we have been praying for this girl to feel better and come back to school. The children pray, and then I pray. While I was praying, the door opened. I looked up, and it was her! Yes, my kids eyes should be closed, but they looked up and were all so excited to see her! We had just finished praying for her. As far as they were concerned, God just answered their prayer! That is fine with me.
Then, immediately after praying, the song that we sung, suggested to sing from my curriculum, was "Whisper a Prayer." Here are the words to this song:
"Whisper a prayer in the morning, Whisper a prayer at noon. Whisper a prayer in the evening, He will keep your heart in tune. God answers prayer in the morning, God answers prayer at noon. God answers prayer in the evening. He will keep your heart in tune."
I do not know why, but the song was just a rebuke and an encouragement to me that day. We just prayed for this little girl to come back to school. Then, singing this song right after we saw our answered prayer, it was neat! I am glad my students and I got to see it! I, truthfully, teared up. It was encouraging to me and a great reminder to me on how God does hear and answer our prayers- even the ones that come"Out of the Mouth of Babes."

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